ASNARO is a Japanese optical high-resolution Earth imaging mission with ground sampling distances of 0.5 m pan-chromatic and 2 m multispectral, and a swath width of 10km. ASNARO is being developed by the NEC Corporation and USEF (Institute for Unmanned Space Experiment Free Flyer) with funding from the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The overall objective of the ASNARO project is to develop a next-generation high-performance mini-satellite bus system based on open architecture techniques and manufacturing methodologies to drastically reduce the cost and the development period with adoption of up-to-date electronics technologies.
SpaceWire is used on-board ASNARO for all the data-handling. The SpaceWire architecture is illustrated in Figure 22.
Figure 22 ASNARO SpaceWire Networks
ASNARO uses SpaceWire for platform and attitude and orbit control (AOCS) as well as for payload data-handling. The payload control computer is attached to the payload using SpaceWire. The platform electronics including the data-handling computer, payload computer, attitude and orbit control computer, heater control, GPS receiver, power control and S-Band telecommand-telemetry unit, are interconnected using a SpaceWire router. A separate SpaceWire network connects the AOCS sensors and actuators to the AOCS computer.